Prepaid Credit Card - The Nonsequitur, You Shouldn't Leave Home Without.
Spend like James Bond at a tenth of the price. You can now get an almost anonymous VISA card that allows you to buy stuff on the internet whilst staying off-the-grid. Just like you used to be able to get a numbered VISA card from Credit Suisse or UBS you can now get a card that you can load with good old anonymous cash at your local shops without the expensive hassle of operating a Swiss bank account. My mind is boggling with the nefarious opportunities this new product opens up... Vengeance on 419 scammers, irresponsible pranks on friends... it's all solid gold. My thoughts on the concept are that you can use the card in a similar way to the disposable email address you use to sign up for free stuff on the internet knowing full well that that address is going to have the bejesus spammed out of it. If this all sounds to you like a shameless ad for prepaid crdit cards... guess what... you're right, it is. If you all get a BOPO card I might get rich which is the first step in my two step plan to become a bum. The plan is quite simple:
Step 1: Get rich.
Step 2: Stop going to work.
I should probably write a motivational piece on bum-ism, maybe a book, and then become a life-coach. I hear there's some bloke in Scotland who is pioneering the intellectual field of 'Idle Theory'. Something about the orthodoxy of survival of the fittest being wrong, and the reality is that nature favours those that are most idle. I'm a fan, and I would look it up but I couldn't be bothered. In any case you should click on the BOPO link... go on, you know you want to just click on it.
Spend like James Bond at a tenth of the price. You can now get an almost anonymous VISA card that allows you to buy stuff on the internet whilst staying off-the-grid. Just like you used to be able to get a numbered VISA card from Credit Suisse or UBS you can now get a card that you can load with good old anonymous cash at your local shops without the expensive hassle of operating a Swiss bank account. My mind is boggling with the nefarious opportunities this new product opens up... Vengeance on 419 scammers, irresponsible pranks on friends... it's all solid gold. My thoughts on the concept are that you can use the card in a similar way to the disposable email address you use to sign up for free stuff on the internet knowing full well that that address is going to have the bejesus spammed out of it. If this all sounds to you like a shameless ad for prepaid crdit cards... guess what... you're right, it is. If you all get a BOPO card I might get rich which is the first step in my two step plan to become a bum. The plan is quite simple:
Step 1: Get rich.
Step 2: Stop going to work.
I should probably write a motivational piece on bum-ism, maybe a book, and then become a life-coach. I hear there's some bloke in Scotland who is pioneering the intellectual field of 'Idle Theory'. Something about the orthodoxy of survival of the fittest being wrong, and the reality is that nature favours those that are most idle. I'm a fan, and I would look it up but I couldn't be bothered. In any case you should click on the BOPO link... go on, you know you want to just click on it.