Looking to reduce your environmental footprint? - Me neither.
For every petrol guzzling monster you don't buy, I'm going to buy three.
Ross has fulfilled his civic duty by heightening tensions in the war on the environment. He may have won the battle, but I'm still winning the war. Just to put the right perspective on things - he has bigger tyres on one of his cars, one of which is a mini. I own three four-wheel-drives one of which is a petrol V8. Checkmate.
For every petrol guzzling monster you don't buy, I'm going to buy three.
Ross has fulfilled his civic duty by heightening tensions in the war on the environment. He may have won the battle, but I'm still winning the war. Just to put the right perspective on things - he has bigger tyres on one of his cars, one of which is a mini. I own three four-wheel-drives one of which is a petrol V8. Checkmate.