Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Big Brother 'AO' Vs 'Uncut'
Host Gretel at the outset seemed to make quite an ineffective effort explaining to us viewers exactly how different the new 'Adult Only' version of Big Brother is completely different to the weekly sleaze-fest screened last series as 'Uncut'. As far as I can tell though it (thankfully) has only been an excercise in re-branding with the standard of programming continuing to live up to last season's highs (or lows depending on your perspective). The exception to this seems to be the regulation of alcohol consumption - I think that's un-Australian. Boony wouldn't have set the record if Qantas had adopted that policy. What other potential areas of world's best practice are being stifled by Big Brother's oppression?

I also want to question the censor's policy on the Live show broadcast late at night. About a week ago I tuned in before Letterman was due to come on to see the Brokeback Mountain character on big brother explaining exactly how challenging it is being a homo on a farm. He was explaining that a fair proportion of rural gay blokes top themselves and in fact it wasn't that long ago that he found himself sitting in a ute with the barrel of a 12 gauge in his mouth... [beeeeeeeep], [cut to Late night host with some SMS competition] ... What the? Facing numerous bad-taste arguments the producers argue that the show is a valuable excercise in exploring the psychology of Australia's youth and not a cheap, drunken boob-a-thon. Yeah right. Maybe they'll now argue that the show is actually doing the young bloke a favour by putting him on 24 hour live suicide watch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the pub the other night when uncut came on TV. The place went so silent you could have sworn Clint Eastwood just walked through the swinging doors and shot a pianoplayer in the face.

May 10, 2006 12:25 AM  

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