photo: www.behindbigbrother.com
It seems that Big Brother prankster Michael has had to spend the last 24 post-eviction hours explaining to the nation that he isn't a homo. The reason he had to do the explaining was a suggestive bit of footage aired prime-time on Sunday night that looked like he was planting a big wet one on Brokeback Mountain man David in the bathroom.
In a live, on air exchange with host Gretel Killeen, Michael attempted to explain to viewers that the editing on Sunday night gave the wrong impression and that had the footage run longer it would have been clear to viewers that the event was a practical joke. Gretel, being a rank apologist for the sleazebags that produce Big Brother could not of course let him make his point. Her counter-argument to Michael's claim that editing of the footage misrepresented the event was that the producers didn't 'edit' the footage. And she insisted on interrupting him mid-sentence on trivial, pedantic points of language that served only to interrupt his ability to make his fundamental point. Gretel...get fucked. If you choose when the footage starts, when the footage stops and which camera it comes from then that counts as 'editing' in the context of Michael's argument. I have no doubt the the footage was timed to be as sensational as possible. What I can't believe is that Killen had the gall to claim that it wasn't. She claimed that Michael's assertions about editing were an unjustifiable attack that could only be taken personally by her on behalf of the hard-working, slimey turds that produce the show... assertions that reminded her of her own children's. Well if your kids are shouted down with misguided semantics from a woman who takes pride in the production of a TV show mentioned in parliament for plunging to new depths of public bad taste, I'm going to side with them... shut the hell up.