Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It's not meat... it's duck.
My latest favourite TV show genre has to be the Border Patrol/Security reality series following the daily activities of customs officers in Australia and New Zealand. In the same way that I never get sick of seeing some bloke getting his nuts smashed by a blindfolded kid flailing at a piƱata, I never get sick of foreigners running the gantlet of customs officers, getting pulled up, then using exactly the same set of lame excuses. My favourite plot is:

  • Foreigner plans on carrying food into the country, packs bags with food and flys to Australia or New Zealand.
  • Foreigner ticks 'No' on the customs form declaring that they are not carrying food.
  • Customs officer suspects that foreigner is in fact carrying food, asks foreigner if they are carrying food.
  • Foreigner clearly says 'No, I'm not carrying food'
  • Customs officer asks to see inside foreigner's bag... which invariably is full of food.
  • Highlight: Foreigner angrily claims that food (duck, pork, sweetcorn, bananas, mangos, chicken feet etc) is not food -"This isn't food, it's duck/pork/sweetcorn/bananas/mangos/chicken feet" which in the case of chicken feet, monkey brains, and fish scrotums they'd at least be partially right.
  • Customs officer then states that you could cop as little as a $200 fine or at max go to prison for six months. Checks the computer then find's out this same character has tried the same thing on 6 months ago when they last came to Australia/New Zealand. Asks what foreigner has to say in their defence.
  • Foreigner either cries or gets really angry... "This would never happen where I came from"
  • Customs officer and viewer then think to themselves 'Yeah, probably because where you come from is a corrupt shithole'.
  • Customs officer slaps them with $200 fine... 'Next'

Reality TV gold.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not food, it's bear pizzle. I use it to condition my taint.

July 19, 2006 2:16 AM  

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